Ep. 71: Regina’s Rules for Reading

How many pages do you give a book before you stop reading? I give a book 40 pages. If it doesn’t make my Wow Meter go wild, I stop reading.

No boring books. I don’t read anything that feels like homework. That’s one of Regina’s Rules for Reading. Here are a few more:

Agree to disagree: Just because everyone else likes a book doesn’t mean you will. Take “Ulysses.” Please, take it!

Always read more than one book at a time: It takes the pressure off any one book.

Make the book yours: Turn down the corners. Highlight it. Underline passages. Draw stars in the margins.

Try different genres: Give a new poet a chance. Read a collection of essays or short stories. Crack open a mystery.

Hang out at the library: Free books! Need I say more?

Join a book club: You’ll discover new authors to love.

Read deliberately: Choose books over Facebook.

Life is short. So many books; so little time. Get busy reading!

Regina Brett