Ep. 59: Love it ALL

True surrender is to love it all. Everything.

The mosquito. The ex-husband. The barking dog. The traffic. The weather. Even growing old. Especially growing old.

Plan a birthday extravaganza to celebrate every age you are. Release all your hostages. Be free of all you have built to protect you from the world. The secret isn’t to build a wider moat or to be a fiercer dragon or to build thicker walls or tougher skin. The secret is to believe at the deepest core of your being that your soul is unhurtable.

Because it is.

Tips & Takeaways:

  • Everything that happens has the power to make you stronger or weaker. The choice is yours.

  • Savor it all. The awesome and the awful.

  • When you love life, it will love you back.

Regina Brett