Ep. 60: Be kind. It isn't even that hard.

Kindness is contagious. Why not spread it?

Opportunities for kindness are everywhere. At work, home, school, Facebook, Twitter, the breakfast nook, the dinner table. With one daily act of kindness, you could change the world. You could…Listen more than you talk. Hug your kids. Kiss your spouse. Clean up after your dog. Unjam the copier. Over-tip. Thank a teacher.

Imagine if we all said, did, posted, shared, clicked and liked only content that was kind. We could start a revolution.

Let’s do it!

Tips and Takeaways:

  • Don’t share or like posts on Facebook or Twitter that are mean-spirited to anyone.

  • Before you comment, ask yourself: Is this kind? Is it necessary? Is it true? If you can’t be kind, be quiet.

  • Listen more than you talk. Really hear people.

  • Drive as if everyone else on the road were someone you loved. When someone cuts you off, instead of giving a third-finger salute and yelling, “F you!'“ blow a kiss and say, “Bless you!”

Regina Brett