Ep. 61: Beautiful You

You are beautiful. When was the last time you looked in the mirror and believed it?

Too often we are our own worst enemies. Some of the meanest things said about us are said by us.

Too many of us look in the mirror and see only flaws: Split ends. Pimples. Wrinkles. Age spots. No matter how beautiful our eyes, our smile, our skin, we zoom in on the one thing that makes us feel flawed.

We need to honor, love and celebrate our bodies, no matter what size or shape or age we are, and believe this truth about ourselves: we are already beautiful, as is, right now.

Tips & Takeaways:

  • Make the mirror your friend. Everyone time you pass one, smile at the person you see.

  • Practice saying only kind words to yourself.

  • Do a body scan of love, from head to toes. Pause and give thanks for every single inch of you.

Regina Brett