Ep. 63: Climb into your Comfort Zone

People say “get out of your comfort zone.” Sometimes you actually need to climb into it, get cozy and savor it.

You can create a Comfort Zone out of your favorite chair, a nightstand or a corner of a room. You just need a spot that is all yours that brings you a measure of peace where you can reboot and restore your life. Even Superman needed a Fortress of Solitude.

You can call it your sanctuary, your refuge, your oasis. Just find a spot to call your own then add some scented candles, pillows, soothing music or fresh flowers. Then you can meditate, read, write in your journal and nurture your soul so you can be a comfort to others when it’s time to leave your comfort zone and step back into the world.

Tips & Takeaways:

  • Your comfort zone can be a drawer, a room, a box, a closet or something portable, like a small suitcase or box filled with things that nurture you.

  • Make every room in your house feel comfortable by asking the right questions of it.

  • Simple things like candles, fresh herbs, pillows, essential oils or a splash of color from a scarf or placemat can turn an ordinary spot into an oasis.

Regina Brett