Ep. 64: Before you kick the bucket, live your Bucket List

What’s on your Bucket List? It’s a list of all the things you want to experience before you “kick the bucket.” Things to try before you die.

It’s the opposite of homework. It’s life play. Instead of focusing on your life’s work, you focus on your life’s play and make sure you live your big adventure here.

It can include travel or challenges, thrill-seeking adventures or learning hobbies you’ve always wanted to try. Or you could go deeper and turn your Bucket List into a Bucket Life. You could create challenges to become a better person: Learn CPR. Get certified in Wilderness First Aid. Donate blood. Teach someone to read. Become a foster parent. Forgive everyone everything.

When you turn your Bucket List into a Bucket Life, everyone benefits from what’s on your list.

Regina Brett